The best way to use the credit card is to take advantage of interest-free credit days, accumulate reward points, review your spending from the statement, pay on time and full outstanding. Using a credit card is discipline, loyalty, and power. Spending money is always the fun part and paying it back is the most boring. What if the bill paying is also fun and rewarding. Yes, you can get reward points even for paying your credit card bills.
What is CRED app?
CRED is a members-only app which rewards you with exclusive rewards for paying your credit card bill. The most rewarding credit card payment app ever in India. You can download the app and apply to be a member.
CRED background
It’s founded by Kunal Shah, founder of freecharge which was also a loyalty reward platform for bill payments. CRED had secured $30M in funding and has a 50+ strong team.
How CRED works?
- Download the app
- from Google Play Store or Apple App Store
- Apply for CRED membership
- log on to CRED with your name and number and apply to be a member
- Pay your credit card bills
- verify your cards, pay your credit card bills, and earn equal cred coins
- Claim exclusive rewards
- use cred coins to claim rewards from brands you love and enjoy the CRED experience
Why should you use CRED?
All credit card users have to make a payment every month. There are multiple ways to make payments. CRED is one among them, the best part is reward points (cred coins) for paying credit card bills.
- When you use the debit card to make the payment, you get reward points on your debit card too
- You will get reward points (cred coins) for the equivalent of a credit card bill payment
- Burn reward points to get assured cashback and also enjoy exclusive rewards and privileges
Reward Points Redemption:
Cred coins can be redeemed to get vouchers. The redemption process is so easy and fun but the voucher options are low as of now. Hoping to add it in the coming days.
- 1 cred coin = Dynamic value
Hands-on Experience:
It’s very easy to use the app, whoever spends two minutes will figure out how to use app. I was impressed to know how the app was instantly able to pull the CIBIL score. I was happy to see the onboarding loyalty point credited immediately based on the CIBIL score.
As soon as my CIBIL details were fetched, all my credit card accounts started to show up, I had to enter the full card number and instantly 1 Rupee from CRED was credited to the credit card account for verification.
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MyCred |
If you want the app to read the credit card statement and give a detailed report on transactions so that it’s helpful to be reviewed, then you may need to give access to the email accounts where the statements are received. Giving read access to Gmail Inbox to CRED is a little too much into privacy, but still, I don’t see any other way how a 3rd party app like CRED can read the statements. Anyway, this is an optional feature. My suggestion would be to create a separate email account for this and forward the statements automatically to the new account so your personal inbox is not exposed.
I tried to make payments using a debit card to a few of my credit cards and these were the timelines to see it credited into the credit card accounts.
- HDFC – Instant (Less than 30 mins)
- IndusInd – 1 day
- Amex – 2 days
FYI: It’s always recommended to make the payment 3 days in advance to due date, as we can’t know the cut off time for payment getting credited in the banking system.
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Cred reward steps |
Every time you pay the bill you will get a few assured cashback lucky cards. This is something similar to a Google Pay scratch card for every UPI transaction. The scratch cards vary from Rs. 10 to Rs. 1,00,000. The lucky cash reward won will be directly credited to the credit card statement for which you made the payment.
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Rewards & Partners |
I have redeemed a few offers so far, some of the good ones include
- 1 yr SUPER membership for Swiggy
- 5K flight voucher from Ixigo
- 1.5K rend a car voucher from Drivezy
The app focuses on just 5 things
- Home
- Your CIBIL Score and CRED company news
- Cards
- Current outstanding the credit card bills
- My Cred
- Cred coins earned and redeemed
- Rewards
- Available and claimed rewards
- Profile
- Payment history & Settings
Payment options available are
- Debit card
- Netbanking
One of the most important pain point it solves is no more worries about adding beneficiary into bank accounts to make a credit card payment, not it could be done in just a few clicks without remembering how to make the credit card bill payment in India. The other important point to note here is not even a single glitch I faced so far with the payment. It was all perfect, special kudos to the CRED team. I also liked the campaign #killthebill.
Since I made the payment via debit card, I also received reward points on my IndusInd debit card. Which I again converted into cash credit in my bank account. This way I’m super happy with CRED mobile app and highly recommend every credit card used to make the payment through them.
- 5/5
- You will not be able to make payments to others' accounts from CRED
I don’t see a reason why I should still make credit card payments using the old methods. This is simple, easy, and rewarding.
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